FRM® Part I
FRM® Part I Study Materials and Question Bank

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AnalystPrep's Study Materials for the FRM Part 1 Exam
Each FRM preparation package comes with an FRM part 1 question bank that contains over 1,800 practice questions tailored to teach you all of the rudimentary aspects of financial risk management. To succeed, you will need to solve numerous quantitative practice questions on subjects such as the Hypothesis Testing and the Black-Scholes-Merton model to ensure you can do the necessary calculation during exam time.
You can also create an unlimited number of quizzes to test your understanding of one or more books at the same time.
Moreover, FRM part 1 mock exams that replicate the level of difficulty of the actual exam are included in each FRM package. These mock exams will give you the ability to test yourself using the same weights as given by GARP.
To ensure you are prepared for every concept, read AnalystPrep’s FRM part 1 books summaries. These study notes will speed up the learning process so you can focus on the important aspect of your preparation – practice questions.
For busy candidates, you can also watch our FRM part 1 video lessons. Our lead instructor, Prof. James Forjan, PhD, has created one video for each chapter of the GARP official books. Every video is approximately 20 minutes long and includes many examples similar to the questions you will have to solve in your FRM Part 1 exam.

What Should you Expect from the FRM Part I Exam?
The first part of the exam is broken down into four different general topics and are all assigned different percentages that factor into your overall grade:
- Foundations of Risk Management (20%)
- Quantitative Analysis (20%)
- Financial Markets and Products (30%)
- Valuation and Risk Models (30%)
Part 1 of the FRM exam will challenge you on 100 multiple choice questions and is always offered three times a year at computer-based testing centers. The pass rates for the first part of the exam average around 45-50% depending on the year.
There are several key terms that should be emphasized throughout your study plan for part 1 of the exam:
- Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)
- Arbitrage Pricing Theory – APT
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Value at Risk – VaR
- Volatility
- Black-Scholes Model
- Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) Process
- Delta Hedging
- etc.
These terms, theories, and processes will be the most prevalent topics you will encounter while taking the test. AnalystPrep’s FRM part 1 question bank makes sure that you are familiar with their definition, breaks down the concepts, retains any equations related to the topic to memorize, and gives the right examples.
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FRM® Part 1
Our Learn + Practice package include study notes and video lessons for $499.
Combine FRM Part I and FRM Part II Learn + Practice for $799. This package includes unlimited ask-a-tutor questions and lifetime access with curriculum updates each year at no extra cost.
FRM Part 1 Practice Package
/ 12-month access
- Question Bank (Part 1)
- CBT Mock Exams (Part 1)
- Formula Sheet (Part 1)
- Performance Tracking Tools
FRM Part 1 Learn + Practice Package
/ 12-month access
- Question Bank (Part 1)
- CBT Mock Exams (Part 1)
- Formula Sheet (Part 1)
- Performance Tracking Tools
- Video Lessons (Part 1)
- Study Notes (Part 1)
FRM Unlimited Package (Part 1 and Part 2)
/ lifetime access
- Question Bank (Part 1 & Part 2 )
- CBT Mock Exams (Part 1 & Part 2 )
- Formula Sheets (Part 1 & Part 2)
- Performance Tracking Tools
- Video Lessons (Part 1 & Part 2 )
- Study Notes (Part 1 & Part 2 )